Vulnerable breastfeeding mothers ought to have the following in mind when they give birth to their children in regards to nutrition of themselves and their newly born babies.
These foods will nourish and help the baby grow faster and more healthier. These are; fiber-rich carbs, healthy fats, fruit, protein and vegetables.
Kayden foundation Uganda advices and provides vulnerable pregnant mother in Uganda with this basic but vital nutrition information to help our young vulnerable pregnant mothers in Uganda’s vulnerable communities like the urban slums of Kyebando and Bwaise, to be able to navigate and embrace motherhood with less stress and more love such that their infants can grow health and happily. Vulnerable breastfeeding mothers feel hunger often which indicates consumption of extra calories to make up for calories lost during the formulation of breast milk.
According to the Centers for disease Control and Prevention (CDC), a pregnant parent is supposed to eat approximately 2,300-2,500 calories per day depending on someone’s body type, bodyweight, activity levels and other factors.
A vulnerable pregnant mother should continue taking prenatal vitamins and drink plenty of water which is very vital. This helps the body heal faster and smoothly after childbirth hence enhancing their nutrition. Therefore, Kayden foundation Uganda emphasizes adoption of these practices to ensure the well- being of our future and the betterment of our country Uganda.
Things that vulnerable pregnant mothers in Uganda ought not to eat or consume include;
Alcohol- There is no known safe amount of alcohol use during pregnancy or when trying to get pregnant. Studies show that all types of alcohol are equally harmful to the baby including; wines and beers. Alcohol ingested passes from the mother to the unborn child through the umbilical cord thus causing miscarriages, stillbirths or life-long physical behavior and intellectual disabilities known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs). Characteristics of FASDs include; abnormal facial features, small-sized heads, shorter height, low body weight, poor coordination, impaired vision and hearing, etc.
It is never too late to stop alcohol use during pregnancy which could improve the health of the baby, though it could be taken in very small measurements after childbirth.
Caffeine- caffeine is a drug found in coffee, tea, soda, chocolate, energy drinks and some medicines. It is a stimulant which means to keep one awake. It slightly increases your blood pressure, heart rate and amount of urine the body makes. It also causes jitteriness, indigestion and insomnia. During pregnancy, caffeine can take longer to be flashed out of the system thus causing nauseousness and lightheadedness. Caffeine also breeds miscarriages, preterm birth and low birth weight thus it must be consumed in very small proportions in a month (1 1/2 8 ounce cups of coffee),
And high mercury fish like catfish (mud fish), tuna and swordfish.
Through Kayden foundation Uganda; we can come together to support and help our futures flourish by aiding our young vulnerable pregnant mothers in vulnerable communities like the urban slums of Kyebando and Bwaise in Uganda to get the best nutritional benefits for themselves and their children through our outreach.